We like to personally know and thank every one of our supporters!

Your help makes all the difference.


For more information on sponsorship and how to get involved, please e-mail bxs@blankxstates.com

Did You Know You Could Sponsor Individual Projects?


  • Join us in making a difference. Whether a song you think deserves more attention, an artist you want to support directly or if you simply want to help us streamline one of the many upcoming creative works in production, we make it easy to make a powerful impact!


The Music Hub.

It all starts as an idea. And with a helping hand, these seeds of inspiration bring history to a community. Here is home to a collection of that history. Read More

We’re In A New Location.

Blank States opened it’s third professional audio recording & production studio in Knoxville, TN. The facility is open to the public - artists of all stages, backgrounds, and genres while featuring additional services such as videography/video production, animation, and more for content creators of the like.