Playlist Submission

from $2.00

Submit your music to our A&R curation team for promotion on YouTube & Spotify.

Single Song Submissions are listened to the same day they are received.

Label Submissions (2-5 Songs) usually take no more than 48 hours.

Unlimited Submissions only need to use the link provided from one of our representatives. 

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Submit your music to our A&R curation team for promotion on YouTube & Spotify.

Single Song Submissions are listened to the same day they are received.

Label Submissions (2-5 Songs) usually take no more than 48 hours.

Unlimited Submissions only need to use the link provided from one of our representatives. 

Submit your music to our A&R curation team for promotion on YouTube & Spotify.

Single Song Submissions are listened to the same day they are received.

Label Submissions (2-5 Songs) usually take no more than 48 hours.

Unlimited Submissions only need to use the link provided from one of our representatives. 

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Looking for a way to get your music out there? Submit your music to our playlist and get exposure to a new audience. Plus, our team of industry contacts and experts will provide feedback on your music to help you grow as an artist.

So what are you waiting for? Submit your music today!

Why do I have to pay?

We try to generate income for everyone involved in the process of making, releasing and breaking music! Thus, half of the submission cost is paid to the curator for listening and the other half is paid out to the playlist adding the song as a bonus incentive for trusting our musical judgment.

No Bots. No Fake Streams. No Scams.

All submissions are reviewed in their entirety. We developed a lot of important relationships over the past 2 years with real curators, music supervisors, and a handful of minor labels. There is no such thing as a guaranteed stream; based on the musicality of your song you could receive between 2 streams and 2 million!

Submit your original music to be considered for inclusion in our playlists

In addition to the user playlists and algorithmic playlists in our A&R network, we also host our own selection of playlists on YouTube & Spotify. When you pay for your submission, you are already included in the pool of artists we add to our bi-weekly rotator.

Can I submit more than one song?

Currently, we have single-song submissions. To submit multiple songs, you will have to become a member by purchasing the Label Submission Package. Due to the high volume of submissions, we have to allow enough time for our curators to review the song and reach out to the playlist(s) your song fits on.

How long will my song stay on a playlist if selected?

All songs that pass the selection process are added for a minimum of a month. After that time, the curators have full discretion to remove the song or keep the song on their playlist. Songs that feature on our hosted playlists usually operate on a bi-weekly rotator basis depending on the volume, but most songs remain on the playlist until major edits are made to the rotation.

Grow your fanbase and get discovered by new fans

Ditch all the time spent searching for then cold-calling emails to overflooded inboxes. Rely on us so you can focus on what matters most: creation!

Get paid when your music is streamed

Getting onto playlists today is akin to being on the radio and these streams all add up as royalties that are paid directly to the artist.